Become a well trained representative and retail distributor for Jade TCM by purchasing an appropriate start up package. 

By purchasing a membership start up package, you will gain access and be able to purchase our products at wholesale by the case as well as in “Back Bar” quantities for professional use at your establishment or within your practice.

Once you have purchased a retail membership package, you will receive a password for our Training Manual Page that will allow access to our practitioner training manual as well as case studies and marketing brochure materials.

All Retail Distributors are automatically enrolled as Affiliates and we will coach you in linking your affiliate link to your web site for drop shipping to your clients.


Resort Spa Royal Jade Partner 


Boutique Store (Men’s)

Boutique Store (Women’s)

Boutique Spa

Country Store


Grocery Store

Fitness Instructor 

Fitness Center 

Massage Therapist